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Cite as APA style citation 
Kuzub M. Oblik orendy zemel'nyh diljanok ta pai'v. Scientia Fructuosa. 2022. № 2. S. 94-108. https://doi.org/10.31617/1.2022(142)07

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31617/ 1.2022(142)07

UDC 657.1:631.162
JEL Classification: Q14; Q15

KUZUB Mykhailo,
Senior lecturer at the Department of Accounting and Taxation
State University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto St., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0001-6222-4892
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Introduction. Agrarian transformations are accompanied by the formation of new economic relations, creation of new organizational and legal structures, whose activities are based on the lease of property and land. Further development of the lease requires in-depth research to im­prove the organization of accounting for lease transactions, this is especially true in martial law.
Problem. Accounting data is an information base for internal and external users to reflect the organizational, economic and legal aspects of the lease and take into account the interests of their subjects.
The aim of the article is to study the theo­retical and practical aspects of accounting for land lease in agricultural enterprises.
Methods. Methods of comparison, synthesis, analysis of normative documents, scientific re­searches are applied.
Results. The issue of land valuation and its reflection in the registers of analytical account­ting arises with the increase in the area of land purchase and sale. Data of economic valuation of lands is the basis for normative monetary eva­luation of land plots, analysis of land use effi­ciency in comparison with other natural resour­ces and determination of economic suitability of agricultural lands for cultivation of agricul­tural crops.
Conclusions. Accounting as an information system is able to strengthen the effective basis of land management both at the state level and at the level of an individual business entity. To ensure the solution of these problems, the implementation of legislation is possible only if the land is recognized as an asset and object of accounting, development and implementation of accounting and information support of land relations. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the state regulation of the conclusion of lease agreements for agricultural and com­pliance with the legislation on lease relations, the introduction of uniform methodological prin­ciples of analytical land accounting. Under mar­tial law, lease agreements for land plots and shares will be concluded only in electronic form, and the transfer of land plots for lease will take place without land auctions.
Keywords: landlease, lease agreement, land plot, accounting, land lease relations.


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