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OnyshchenkoV. Cyvilizacijnyj dyskurs ekonomichnogo rozvytku Ukrai'ny. Visnyk Kyi'vs'kogo nacional'nogo torgovel'no-ekonomichnogo universytetu. 2022. №1. S 132-148. http://doi.org/10.31617/1.2022(141)10

DOI: http://doi.org/10.31617/1.2022(141)10

UDC 316.722:330.341.1(477)
JEL ClassificationО15

Doctor of Sciences (Economics),Professor, Professor of the Department of World Economy
State University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto St., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0003-3742-5195
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Introduction. Countries, like people, some are able to build a happy life, others are not, and this is determined by the civilized cultural code of the nation, which is carried by citizens who must determine the dynamics and quality of their state.
Problem. The most pressing problem of our economic and social development is the quality of the population and its ability to reproduce human and social capital and the institutional structure of the state for its development in the chosen direction.
The aim is to find out the civilizational con­text of Ukraine’s economic development.
Methods. The research mate­rial was the work of domestic and foreign spe­cialists. In the process of preparing the article, general scien­tific research methods were used: historical, analysis, synthesis and abstraction.
Results. Ukraine does not have its own clear­ly defined code of civilization, because its culture is a cocktail with different civilizational content, generated by Eurasian, Soviet and European influence, ie marginal. The main differences in the political and economic development of diffe­rent civilizations and countries are due to their different cultures, including economic. The eco­no­mic culture of the average Ukrainian is very different from the EU culture we aspire to. For objective reasons, it is non-functional for market transformations, as it was formed during the three centuries in the conditions of the Russian Empire and the USSR. Significant efforts are needed to form a new, modern quality of human capital and social capital of the state. In this aspect, radical changes are needed in the field of education and science, which are the driving forces of their development.
Conclusions. The economic culture of Ukrai­nians has no features that can be the driving force of innovative economic and social deve­lopment. This requires a society with new human and social capital, the reproduction of which requires significant material resour­ces and time.
Keywords: civilization, culture, economic culture, human capital, social capital.


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