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Zubko T. Economic security of the production and trade enterprise. Visnyk Kyi'vs'kogo nacional'nogo torgovel'no-ekonomichnogo universytetu. 2022. № 1. S. 79-91. http://doi.org/10.31617/1.2022(141)06

DOI: http://doi.org/10.31617/1.2022(141)06

UDC 658:338.246
JEL Classification: F15, F19, M21, D80

ZUBKO Tetiana,
PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, doctoral student of Department of World Economy
State Trade and Economics University
19, Kyoto St., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
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IntroductionActivities in modern conditions of increasing market intensity, increased com­petition, the emergence of new threats (natural disasters, pandemics, conflicts) require pro­tec­tion of Ukrainian trade enterprises. This indi­cates the growing importance of maintaining the economic security of the enterprise (ESE) among other factors of management, as well as fore­cas­ting its future development, the applica­tion of innovation in the enterprise and impro­ving organizational measures.
Problem. The economic security system (ESS) of the enterprise is created by the mana­gerial staff and provides them with relevant analytical infor­mation, which allows taking nece­ssary mea­sures to reduce threats and promote sustainable develop­ment of the enterprise. This process is com­plicated by the lack of a single definition of the concept of "economic security of the enter­prise", as well as the actual and cate­gorical defi­nition of the concept of "eco­nomic security of the enter­prise". Maintaining an appro­priate level of ESE should not be seen as a sepa­rate issue, but as part of the overall system of enterprise management.
The aim of the article is to study deve­lop­ment of the concept of "economic security system of the enterprise", its essence and components.
Methods. Methods of theore­tical gene­ralization, analysis and synthesis were applied in this paper. The works of domestic and fo­reign scientists were usedin the preparation of the article. 
Results. The views of experts on the essence of the concept of ESS are analyzed. Approaches to the definition of the ESE system and its con­stituent structures are considered. The types of uncer­tainty influencing the ESE are establi­shed; the structural scheme of uncertainty in the process of activity of the production and trade enterprise is formed. The structural scheme of the process of maintaining a stable level of eco­nomic security (ES) of a production and trade enter­prise has been improved. The functions and main tasks of ESS of the enterprise, as well as the scheme of its for­mation for trade are considered.
Conclusions. Structural schemes of uncer­tainty in the process of business activity and the process of maintaining a stable level of ESE have been developed. The author takes into account the resource and func­tional composition of the enter­prises and offers the concept of formation and mana­gement of ESS of production and trade enter­prises, which corresponds to the basic provisions of process and situational mana­gement. The functional components of ES are determined.
Keywords: security, economic security, sys­tem, uncertainty, enterprise.


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