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Vedmid N., Boiko M., Romanchuk L. Marketyngovi tehnologii' segmentacii' spozhyvachiv kurortno-rekreacijnoi' poslugy. Visnyk Kyi'vs'kogo nacional'nogo torgovel'no-ekonomichnogo universytetu. 2021. № 4. Р. 91-100.

DOI:  http://doi.org/10.31617/visnik.knute.2021(138)07

UDC 338.487:659.1
JEL Classification: C83, С90, L83, М15, М31

VEDMID Nadiia,
Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor,
Dean of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business

Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kioto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine

E-mail: n.vedmіd@knute.edu.ua
ORCID: 0000-0002-5010-6394
BOIKO Margaryta,
Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor,
Head of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business

Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kioto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine

E-mail: m.boy Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kioto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine

E-mail: l.romanchuk@knute.edu.ua


Background. Using marketing technologies to segment consumers is a key resource for actively and quickly responding to consumer needs. Segmentation allows to identify differences in the response of consumers to services, implement the targeted marketing principles, develop a range of services in accordance with the consumers needs. 
The aim of the paper is to studydevelopment of methodological foundations of mar­keting technologies for consumers segmentation, taking into account the key features of resort and recreational services, which ensure scientific approaches development to consu­mer segments assessment and allows proactively adjusting the offer of resort and recrea­tion­nal services, especially during periods of seasonal fluctuations. 
Materials and methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the article are the results of theoretical and applied research of Ukrainian and foreign scientists on consumer segmentation. The behavioral method was used to analyze consumer behavior and needs. Special methods for ratings, sample observations, comparative analysis, grou­ping based on the use of general and special Google Analytic software, CoSchedule were used. 
Results. The problem of effective segmentation of consumers of resort and recrea­tional services is very important in a situation of aggravated competition for the consumer, since the definition of target segments is the basis for the formation of effective and targeted marketing activities. The expediency of using the VALS model has been proven. The VALS model is proposed to be improved by adding a stage that allows to determine the level of customer satisfaction with resort services based on the CSAT Composite Customer Satisfaction Score method. This method allows to determine the compliance of the received services with the expectations of consumers and to identify the level of service processes. The driver of the effective impact of marketing communications on consumer segments is digitalization. This is manifested in the creation of an immersive environment for a resort and recreation enterprise. This is due to the fact that immersive environment simulators offer a personalized and efficient mechanism for introducing consumers to the spa and recreational service through visualization. 
Conclusion. The use of marketing technologies for consumers segmentation of resort and recreational services is influenced by the digitalization of marketing activities and leads to new methods of collecting and analyzing data for segmentation. These methods allow to accumulate quickly information about consumers in the digital space for segmentation and proactive interaction with target audiences, as well as reduce time it takes for a new service to enter the market. In the context of digitalization, further research to conduct marketing technologies for segmentation of consumers of resort and recreational services should deve­lop the priority of using digital sources of dynamic information about consumer character­ristics in a virtual environment; determine the features of the combination of static (offline consumer features) and dynamic (online consumer features) segmentation features. 
Keywords: segmentation, marketing technologies, digitalization, immersive envi­ron­ment, consumer, resort and recreational service 


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