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Chugunov I., Nasibova O. Finansovi imperatyvy rozvytku social'nogo zahystu naselennja. Visnyk Kyi'vs'kogo nacional'nogo torgovel'no-ekonomichnogo universytetu. 2021. № 2. S. 114-130.


UDC 364-624
JEL Classification:  H53; Н55; Н75; I38

DSc (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department of Finance
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kioto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine

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ORCID: 0000-0003-4915-1267
PhD (Economics), doctoral student of the Finance Department 
of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine

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ORCID: 0000-0003-2590-2513


 Background. In the conditions of permanent adaptive processes to modern challen­ges and threats of social stability there is a change in the key points of the country sus­tainable development, connected with strengthening in the social component of the eco­nomic policy which demands search and new mechanisms application or existing active­zation of the influence mechanisms on behaviour of economic subjects for supplying the social effect from the distribution and redistribution of newly created value in the society. Effectiveness, speed and duration of transformation processes in the direction of improving population welfare and economic growth in the country depends on identification of unrealized financial opportunities of social protection system, taking into account macro­economic trends, demographic changes. 
The aim of the article is to develop an effective model of financial support for the population social protection and identify priority areas for development of financial rela­tions of the population social protection system. 
Materials and methods. We used a systematic approach in the content of the structural and functional model of financial supply of the population social protection. The comparative method was used in generalization and systematization of the components of the structural and functional model of financial supply of the population social pro­tection, connected by interdependent relations. We used method of scientific abstraction, synthesis, induction, deduction, analytical assessment in evaluation of current state and sub­stantiating the priority development directions of financial supply system of the population social protection. 
Results. The financial development imperatives of the population social protection system were revealed and substantiated. The complex analysis of current trends in the finan­cial supply of the population social protection in Ukraine was performed. The composition, structure and dynamics of sources of financial supply of the population social protection in the total expenditures on social protection and the gross domestic product during 2003–2019 were determined. The structural and functional model of the financial supply of the popula­tion social protection was developed. The interrelations between the functional components of the financial supply system of the population social protection and their influence on socio-economic development of the state were considered. The priorities of ensuring financial sta­bility and strength of the population social protection system were proposed. 
Conclusion. We believe that the concept of social responsibility and mutual assis­tance is gradually integrated with individual savings mechanisms, which makes some adjust­ments in the public consensus on forms and size of financial supply of the population social protection. 
We also think that consolidation of public, private, socially voluntary and individual financial supply of the population social protection will increase the level of public welfare and social safety. Simultaneous use of various forms of financial supply of the population social protection in practice through the establishment of optimal relationship between them, taking into account the current model of redistribution of financial resources in the state will stabilize living standards, social justice, harmonization of relations between different social groups. 
Keywords: financial supply, social protection, budget financing, social insurance, charity, grants. 


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