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Loj A. Potencial pidpryjemstva: transformacija ujavlen'. Visnyk Kyi'vs'kogo nacional'nogo torgovel'no-ekonomichnogo universytetu. 2021. № 2. S. 103-114.


UDC 005.336:658.1
JEL Classification: M21

LOI Anna,
PhD Student of the Department of economics and business finance
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine

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ORCID: 0000-0002-4092-887X


 Background. Development is an important condition for the efficiency of enterprises in the market, and intensive and balanced use of its potential is the basis for achieving sustainable development of the enterprise.  
Analysis of recent researches and publications. The interpretation of the concept of "enterprise development", its main features and typology are widely disclosed in relevant economic literature, but there is no concept of enterprise potential development. 
The aim of the article is to determine the essence of "enterprise potential develop­ment" based on the study of scientific approaches to interpretation of the essence of "deve­lopment" and "enterprise development".
Materials and methods. In the research we used methods of theoretical genera­lization, comparison, analysis and synthesis, which allowed to systematize the existing theoretical developments on this issue.  
Results. The basic approaches to understanding of the essence of "development" and "development of the enterprises", their properties and the basic views to classification of development of the enterprise are analyzed and systematized. The main characteristics of development of the potential enterprise should include complexity, dynamism, quanti­tative, qualitative and structural changes, dependence on internal and external factors, purpo­sefulness, stage of enterprise life cycle, influence of managerial potential and availa­bility of development potential. 
Conclusion. The essence of enterprise capacity development is determined and the study of the main characteristics of potential development will reveal existing potential of the enterprise, state of each of its elements and form effective strategy and, depending on the enterprise current state, promote its further development.  
Keywords: enterprise development, enterprise potential, capacity development, development potential. 

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