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Lagutin V. Epistemologija ekonomichnoi' nauky XXI stolittja. Visnyk Kyi'vs'kogo nacional'nogo torgovel'no-ekonomichnogo universytetu. 2021. №2. S. 38-53.


UDC 165:330.1”20”
JEL Classification: A10, A12, B41, E13

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Economics and Competition Policy
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Kyoto str., 19, Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine

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 Background. Uptake of new epistemological and methodological norms, theoretical standards, methods of conceptualization is the most pressing issue of economics at the begi­nning of the twenty first century. Laying of modern epistemological foundations of eco­nomics, providing real knowledge about the research subject is a topical problem in these conditions.
The aim of the article is to study epistemology as one of the defining modern approaches to the analysis of economics of the twenty first century.
Materials and methods. General and special methods of theoretical analysis as well as synergetic tools of economic methodology are used. We also used system method, scientific abstraction, qualitative structural generalization; logical, historical and inter­disciplinary approaches in the article.
Results. The main functional purpose of economic epistemology is to provide favo­rable methodological conditions for the researchers’ activity in the development of science. Economic research should be based on certain epistemological and methodological appro­aches. The most important are relationship between research fundamentals and applied analysis; consideration of deep socio-economic processes based on the selection of synergetic links; allocation of value as a fundamental category of research; "exit" in the applied field to management problems. Reflection becomes an important methodological form in economics. Economics has a nonlinear emergent epistemological space, which is characterized by spe­cific models of subject perception, value codes of economic culture, ethical and intellectual practices. Neoclassicism is the basis of modern economics mainstream.
Conclusion. Scientific knowledge has a clearly defined epistemological status. Epis­temology of the study provides a holistic definition of the subject of economics, and explains the content and scientific logic of relevant transformations analysis. Uptake of new episte­mological and methodological norms, theoretical standards, methods of conceptualization and research methods is the most pressing issue of economics at the beginning of the twenty first century. 
Keywords: economic epistemology, methodology, economic culture, paradigm, economic categories, value, neoclassicism, mainstream.


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