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Il'chenko N., Vojnilovych V. Holistychnyj marketyng u feshn-industrii' Ukrai'ny. Visnyk Kyi'vs'kogo nacional'nogo torgovel'no-ekonomichnogo universytetu. 2020. № 5. S. 68-76.

DOI:  http://doi.org/10.31617/visnik.knute.2020(133)06

UDC 339.138
JEL Classification М30
ILCHENKO Nataliia,
DSc (Economics), Associate Professor,
Head of the Department of Trade Entrepreneurship and Logistics
of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Кyiv, 02156, Ukraine

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ORCID: 0000-0003-4052-571X

PhD Student (Economics) of the Department of marketing
of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine

E-mail: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
ORCID: 0000-0001-6365-3744


The problems of the fashion industry development in the context of the recognition of the pandemic throughout the world are identified. An empirical study of the imple­mentation of holistic marketing by national and international retail chains of the fashion industry in Ukraine, associated with medium-sized businesses, has been carried out. It has been proven that for Ukrainian consumers the most important characteristic of social responsibility in a trading company is the quality of goods and the level of service that create a business reputation. The results of the study of the impact of quarantine on the development of retail chains in the Ukrainian fashion industry are presented.
Keywords: holistic marketing, relationship marketing, integrated marketing, inter­nal marketing, retail network, social and ethical marketing, fashion industry, corporate social responsibility.


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