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Gerasymenko A. Geoekonomichni transformacii' u XXI st.: dialektyka dynamiky ta stalosti. Visnyk Kyi'vs'kogo nacional'nogo torgovel'no-ekonomichnogo universytetu. 2020. № 4. S. 5-19.
DSc (Economics), Professor of the Economic Theory and Competition Policy Department
оf Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
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ORCID: 0000-0003-0313-6942
Background. The accumulated disproportions in the development of globalization processes in combination with the current bio-economic crisis exacerbate the need for sound awareness of the future structure of the world economy in the XXI century.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Despite the broad support for the idea of different countries’ inequality in the global competition and the idea of the global economy’s organization as a world-system, the systematic research on the development of the global world system in the XXI century is not presented in the scientific literature.
The aim of the paper is to determine the perspectives and the vectors of geo-economic transformations in the XXI century, to assess the likelihood of changes in the composition and boundaries of concentric circles of the world-system order of the global economy organization.
Materials and methods. The study is based on a comparative analysis of the backgrounds and the tendencies in the development of countries belonging to different concentric circles of the world-system in the XX and XXI centuries, their ability to move from one circle to another. The dialectical connection between the dynamics of geo-economic transformation and their inability to cope with the stability of the previously established world-system order of the global economy organization is substantiated.
Results. The study of the dynamics of the role of some countries in the technological structure of the global economy, incoming and outgoing foreign investments, extraction and consumption of natural resources, human capital formation and exploitation, migration processes illustrates the gradual transformation of the global economy, which is insufficient to change its world-system organization.
Conclusion.Despite the change of certain geo-economic trends in XXI century, in particular, the transformation of peripheral countries from outsiders to leaders of economic growth, strengthening their involvement in the international movement of capital, reducing the rate of labor migration, etc., in the XXI century the constancy of modern composition and boundaries of concentric circles of the world-system order of the organization of the global economy will be observed.
Keywords: global economy, world-system, technologies, investments, natural resources, human capital.
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