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Lagutin V. Ontologichni ta gnoseologichni zasady ekonomichnoi' nauky XXI stolittja. Visnyk Kyi'vs'kogo nacional'nogo torgovel'no-ekonomichnogo universytetu. 2020. № 2. S. 21-35.

DOI:  http://doi.org/10.31617/visnik.knute.2020(130)02

UDC 330.101"20"
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Economics and Competition Policy
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Kyoto str., 19, Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine

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BackgroundThe searchofnew theoretical and methodological approaches in the XXI centuryisa prerequisite for the development of economic science. The economic rea­lity itself isnew, problematic, contradictory andcreates the impuls for the emergence of a new type of conceptual and paradigmatic constructions. An urgent problem in these condi­tions is the formation of modern ontological and epistemological foundations of the scien­tific economic system, the provision of real knowledge of its subject, which is reliable, that is, substantiated in the detailed logical theoretical form.
The aim of the article is to study the ontological and epistemological foundations of the development of economic science in the XXI century (the study was conducted using two most common transcendental economic categories - value and capital).
Materials and methods. General scientific and special methods of scientific know­ledge, methodological tools of modern economic theory, system method, logical and histo­rical approaches, method of scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis, qualitative struc­tural approach, method of interdisciplinary analysis have been used.
Results. Ontological principles of economic science are connected with the object­tive existence of economy (its place in society, connections with technological processes, specific properties, systemic, structural, cause and effect, functional and other character­ristics) and epistemological principles of economic science are connected with research methodology.
The emergence of new approaches in economic science to the ontological content of the economy of the XXI century clearly correlates with the emergence of the concept of post-industrial society.
An economic ontology cannot be outside a thorough epistemological study, that is a methodology. The methodology of science is based on a philosophical basis. The most promising in modern conditions for economic science is a synergistic methodology with its effective methods of study of emergent systems.
The problem of paradigmatic innovations in economic science is acute today.
The theoretical development of the subject of science involves the selection of certain fundamental categories - the beginnings of a peculiar categorical matrix. These are, first and foremost, such generalizable categories as "value" and "capital" for economic science. These categories reflect the content of the base objectively determined economic substance.
Conclusion. The scientific material of the XXI century modifies traditional ontolo­gical (what and how it exists) and epistemological (as knowledge is justified of what exists) conceptions of the economy. Effective in the ontological and epistemological sense, econo­mic science opens new perspectives that give the system of economic categories a truly updated content. Such approach will actually bring domestic economic science into the future of the XXI century.
Keywords: economic ontology, economic epistemology, methodology, paradigm, language of science, economic information, value, capital.


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