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Автор: Sveta on .

DOI: http://doi.org/10.31617/visnik.knute.2020(129)03

УДК 164.04(=1.477):339.92

к. филос. н., доцент, доцент кафедры психологии
Киевского национального торгово-экономического университета
ул. Киото, 19, г. Киев, 02156, Украина

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к. психол. н., доцент, доцент кафедры психологии
Киевского национального торгово-экономического университета
ул. Киото, 19, г. Киев, 02156, Украина
Email: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5802-2200


Исследована в динамике система ценностей украинцев периода независимости. Проанализировано их отношение к европейским ценностям в зависимости от региона проживания, возраста и социально-материального статуса. Определена общая тенденция смены ценностных установок.
Ключевые слова: ценности, ценностные ориентации, ценностное сознание, поколение.

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ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5802-2200


BackgroundAnalysis of values is extremely important for understanding the social and political processes taking place in the country and forecasting the further scenario of development. So, the dominant values are directly related to the formation of national ideology.
The analysis of recent research and publication. In domestic sociology the significant contribution to the development of theoretical interpretation of the problem of values is made by O. Balakireva, E. Golovaha, I. Martyniuk, M. Naumova, M. Nahabich, A. Ruchka, N. Soboleva, L. Sokurianska. Ukrainian sociologists systematically monitor the value priorities of Ukrainian citizens. They are also involved in several international sociological value research projects.
The aim is studying the dynamics of value orientation of the population during the years of Ukraine’s independence, attitude of Ukrainians to European values depending on their region of residence, age and socially property status.
Materials and methods. General and specific methods of scientific cognition were used in the work, including the systematic approach, separate logical tools of induction, deduction, abduction and comparative method.
Results. When comparing the values of Ukrainians and Europeans, the greatest similarity is observed among Ukrainians and citizen of post-socialist Europe. This is explained by long similar living conditions. And the biggest difference is fixed with the citizen of Scandinavian Europe. As for differences in the value system within Ukrainian society, they are influenced by the region of residence with previous historical heritage and the manipulative influences of the neighboring states. From the point of view of Ukrainians belonging to a certain social class – values do not differ drastically, survival values prevail. A similar situation is observed in relation to the values of different generation of Ukrainians. Security is of paramount importance. And the tendency towards post-materialists values is only slightly more pronounced in young people. The 2019 presidential and parliamentary election in Ukraine showed that there were much more in common with the Ukrainians than previously believed.
Conclusion. The valueorientations of Ukrainians are characterized by some connection with factors of social origin (generation, region) and factors of social achievement (education, income level). This introduces some heterogeneity in prioritizing values. The process of forming new value orientations takes place in the face of rapid social change; where they are forced compete with fundamental values, which nevertheless remain the same.
Keywords: values, value orientations, value consciousness, generation.


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