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Bondarevych I. Specyfika social'nyh praktyk dovirchyh vidnosyn u perehidnyh suspil'stvah. Visnyk Kyi'vs'kogo nacional'nogo torgovel'no-ekonomichnogo universytetu. 2020. № 1. S. 92-102.

DOI: http://doi.org/10.31617/visnik.knute.2020(129)08

UDC 177:330.316.3

Associate Professor (Philosophy), department of Philosophy,
National University "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic"
Zhukovskohostr.,64, Zaporizhzhia, 69061, Ukraine
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ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6711-8244


Background. Social practices occupy an important place in the list of sets of factors in the dynamics of a transitional society. The prognostic potential of the social practices is very powerful, as the study provides thinking on the various areas of social reality – from the motivational sphere of the individual to the existing social institutions.
The analysis of the recent researches and publications has shown that both personal and intimate practices of an individual are under the watchful eye of contemporary social reality researchers. Since social practices of trust relations reflect the practical mastery of certain values in society, the depth of their rootedness, it remains topical to search for methods of processing their predictive potential. Social practices of personal relations are the most suitable for calculating the tendencies of the transformation of transitional societies.
The aim of the article is to find out the prognostic efficiency of the simulation process and the process of mastering the value of love for predicting the development dynamics of transitional societies.
Materials and methods. Systematic approach, phenomenological and biographical methods, as well as a modeling method have been used in the study.
Results. It is found that motivational markers of love simulators are: survival due to partnership, escape from loneliness, fear; desire of power; quasi-realization; emotional euphoria of passion; dependence associated with all sorts of emptiness. In the plane of customized social actions, love simulacra look like marriages of convenience; unequal marriages; civil marriages; "free" sexual relations; dysfunctional families; conscious single motherhood, etc.
The motivational markers of the mastered values of all kinds of love are the same. Firstly, it is an understanding of one’s nature (self-knowledge), self-respect, self-development. Secondly, it is the acceptance of others via understanding, knowledge of their nature, respect for human dignity, the ability to act unselfishly, to be grateful, to be able to enjoy the world. The social practices of the mastered values of love are identified in the phenomenon of communities of love. In the latter, personal relationships are transformed into social actions, they are gaining a scale of social practices, and they are being formalized into new social institutions. The development level of civil society institutions attests to the power of the influence of love simulacra on the current state of society and its prospects.
Conclusion. The specificity of the social practices in a transitional society is conditioned by the natural spread of selfish motivations of individuals. The results of the research of the social practices of love relations at the level of individual motivations, established social actions and social institutions model a fragment of the value map of society. Further studies of the social practices of trust relations can be applied in drawing up a value map of a particular society, which allows to make conclusions about the tendencies of the transformation of a particular society.
Keywords: transitional society; social forecasting; social practices; habitus; trust relations; simulacra of love; mastered values of love.


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