graduate student of Khmelnytsky National University
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Background. Successful overcoming of crisis situations at an enterprise depends on the effectiveness of crisis management, the decision-making in which depends on the type of crisis. After all, each crisis situation is formed under the influence of specific factors, has a clear characteristic and relates to a certain category. But in order to determine what types of crises affect the activities of an enterprise, it is first necessary to identify the types of crises in the socio-economic system.The analysis of recent research and publications has shown that despite the availability of certain scientific achievements, individual problems in the classification of crises require additional consideration.
The aim of the article is to investigate the existing types of crises in the socio-economic system.
Materials and methods. In the process of research we used a set of scientific methods and approaches: systemic, structural-functional, analysis and synthesis, comparison.
Results. The works of well-known scientists who were engaged in the research of types of crises were considered and analyzed, and it was determined which ones belong to the crises in the socio-economic environment.
Five main classification features were formed: by state; scale; reasons of origin; the sphere of origin, consequence.
It is noted that the classification of types of crises at the enterprise may also include a typology in accordance with the company’s life cycle, the possibility of foresight and as a result of a collision between social groups.
Conclusion. It has been established that some of the classification features are found in the works of many researchers and can serve as the basis for classification, which belongs to types of crises in the socio-economic environment. The result of the study is the table formed on the basis of these data with the generalized types of crises in the socio-economic environment.
Further research will be aimed at creating a list of types of crises that may arise at the enterprise, based on certain types of crises on the basis of the classification "on the sphere of origin" and the study of their relationship with anti-crisis management and anti-crisis potential.
Keywords: crisis, classification of crises, types of crises, crisis in the socio-economic environment.
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