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Автор: Sveta on .

UDC 331.522.4:314.745.23(477)
Doctor Historical Science, Professor at the Department of Economic Theory and Competition Policy of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Background. The annexation by the Russian Federation of Crimea and hostilities in the Donbas have created a significant problem for Ukrainian society, due to the growing number of so-called internally displaced persons (IDPs). This actualized the issue of the nature of their employment potential.
The aim of the article. To describe the labor potential of the IDPs, investigate the activities of state bodies, public organizations in the field of using the labor potential of IDP in Ukraine during 2014–2016.
Materials and methods. In the process of research, methods of statistical analysis, institutional, anthropological, comparative, ideological and value analysis were used. The article is based on the analysis of statistical materials, as well as individual sociological studies.
Results. The labor potential of IDPs in Ukraine was characterized. The most attractive production spheres for workers of different qualification level and also features of the industrial and agricultural production placement influence on internal migrants living place choice were defined. The IDPs influence on labor recourses formation of Ukrainian regions was analyzed. The urbanization process features in terms of internal migrants grows were highlighted.
Conclusion. It was established, that among IDPs office workers with higher education, scientists, middle managers, which positively recommended themselves on the previous workplaces in Ukrainian general business structures have more chances on successful socialization at the new residence place. It was investigated, that among the workers of worker specialty were fewer immigrants because they did not expect to get a job in the new place of residence. Highly qualified workers, which worked in steel and chemical industry, had more chances to get a job on the new place. But most of them did not dare to leave the previous work place. The reason for this was rather high level of salary and willing to work at home enterprise. Whereas the least amount of IDPs turned to be the coal industry workers, which had virtually no chance of getting a job in the specialty in other regions of Ukraine. At the same time the need of childcare, complication of the relationship between spouses limited possibility of IDPs in search of the job at the new place of residence. Decisions of the Ukrainian Government and Verkhovna Rada, who passed a number of laws, had certain influence on the use of IDPs labor potential. Regulations defined features of placement and employment of IDPs. However, a number of important questions connected with the use of their labor potentials remain unresolved because of the complexity of the economical situation in the country and lack of the proper attention of the authorities to the interests and needs of IDPs.
Keywords: social policy, work potential, migration policy, population migrations, employment, labor migration shuttle.