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Автор: Sveta on .

UDC 005.57:331.108
PENIUK Valeriya,
Assintant of Management and Tourism Department of Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Tconomics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


Background. Significant role in the implementation of a process associated with the adoption of management decisions on enterprises plays its information support. So, how to properly and efficiently organize information will ensure the implementation of process workforce capacity diagnostics in trade enterprises depend on results of the implementation of its strategy of personnel management and ongoing capacity to monitor and conduct regular analysis of the efficiency of its workforce. The latter directly affects the validity and balance on management decision-making on formation/correction of personnel policy according to the objectives of the trade enterprises both in the short and long term. Therefore, the development of scientific approaches to right organization information support of workforce capacity diagnostics is an important task within the search for ways of improving results of the economic activity of any trade enterprise.
The aim of the article is a clear definition of all elements of the organization information support of workforce capacity diagnostics process in trade enterprise and structuring information base for effective implementation of the process in practice.
Materials and methods. As information base of this research serve data from the results of analytical processing of scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists who have studied the issues related to information support system of enterprise management and specific knowledge of the author on the practical application of scientific approaches to information database and use different modes of data processing. Interpretation methods, methods of system analysis and synthesis, comparison, economic and mathematical modeling were used.
Results. Information support organization of workforce capacity diagnostics of the trade enterprise as organizational activities aimed at sustainable combination in time and space includes three elements: specific work (the specifics of which is associated with information processes); information, which is necessary for implementing steps of workforce capacity diagnostics; means of labor with information resources in the workforce capacity diagnostics of trade enterprises.
Conclusion. The research found that nowadays there is no scientific consensus about the nature of concept "information support organization ". The authors proposed on practice not to equate the concept of "information support" and the " information support organization " requiring scientific use of the definition of " information support organization of diagnostics of trade enterprise workforce capacity" with the release of this specific organizational activities of the three components. Developed during the research structure of the information base for the implementation of workforce capacity diagnostics identified the need for specific technical knowledge and skills to implement various modes of information and means of labor, the authors proposed algorithm parameter, which can be used for the diagnostics of workforce potential in terms of implementation of the strategic perspective automatically mode data on trade enterprises, have practical significance, since their implementation in practice contribute to information support improvement and its organization as a subsystem in workforce management and in management system of trade enterprise as a whole.
Keywords: information support organization, information, specific work, means of labor, workforce potential, diagnostics, trade enterprise, information database, data banks.