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Автор: Редактор on .

UDC 005.336.4
Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor at Management Department of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Foreword. The basis of innovative development of both businesses and the state is a continuous growth of the intellectual capital that is not just a set of achievements of outstanding personalities – political and public figures, scientists, educators, artists, industrialists. It is a complex, multilevel phenomenon that requires constant support from the society and the state, efficient care of the situation and agreed development of science, education, socio-cultural sphere. It is a scientific problem whose solution is essential in epistemological and practical aspect.
Studying factors of the intellectual capital as a component of innovation and its impact on system basis transformation in the economic area of society, led to choosing the aim of this research.
During the research were used such methods as analysis of statistical data, multidisciplinary synthesis, profiling of environment, ranking of strategic development issues, evaluation of the position of state and enterprises in a competitive environment, an analysis of possible alternatives with the use of modern methods and procedures, strategic analysis of modern information technologies, search for additional sources of information to take account of market and industry characteristics.
The results: the concept of coherence of national systems of science, education, manufacturing, legislation as the main factors of the intellectual capital needs efficient introduction of new knowledge in the learning process, creating the conditions for students’ practice by employers; reviving a mid-level of a system of professional training, the system of postgraduate education, etc.
The conclusions: the factors of the intellectual capital of state and enterprises include: transforming educational system to the needs of the time, which requires appropriate strategies of mutually coordinated development of science, education, manufacturing and legislative branch; revival of precise system for complex training of professionals of all sectors of the national economy, taking into account the relationship of comprehensive education, vocational, higher and postgraduate, providing precise legal framework of intellectual property protection, ensuring the development of research and development productions in high schools involving students - future specialists, government should provide substantial increase of status of science and scientific personnel.
Keywords: intellectual capital, staff elite, system, universal conformities to law of development, hierarchy of the systems, development stages of the systems, innovative approach, innovative purpose, complex systemic education, project work, educational strategies.