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Chubajevs'kyj V., Zhuk T. Ekonomichna efektyvnist' informacijnoi' bezpeky pidpryjemstv torgivli. Visnyk Kyi'vs'kogo torgovel'no-ekonomichnogo universytetu. 2022. №1. S. 106-117. http://doi.org/10.31617/1.2022(141)08

DOI: http://doi.org/10.31617/1.2022(141)08

UDC 330.131.5:004.065]:339.17
JEL Classification:М21, F 19

PhD (Politics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Software Engineering and Cyber security
State University of Trade and Economics

19, Kyoto St., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0001-8078-2652
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ZHUK Tetiana,
PhD (Economics), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics and Business Finance
State University of Trade and Economics

19, Kyoto St., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0001-5866-8837
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Introduction. Constant automation of busi­ness processes, the transition to online mode under the influence of COVID-19 determined the digitalization of trade enterprises. Rapid changes in operating conditions, amateur behavior in the Internet space have led to a rapid increase in cybercrime.
Problem. Businesses are increasingly aware of the importance of ensuring a sufficient level of information security (IS). This, in turn, led to the need to assess the effectiveness, including eco­nomic, IS of trade enterprises.
The aim of the article is to substantiate the need for economic evaluation of the effecti­veness of information security as a necessary condition for the successful operation of trade enterprises.
Methods. The information base of the study consists of current regulations of Ukraine, publi­cations of domestic and foreign scientists on the subject of the study, materials of the State Statis­tics Service, foreign analytical reports. Methods of generalization, scientific ab­straction and syste­matization, analysis and synthe­sis, comparison are used.
Results. The essence of the concepts of "information security", "economic efficiency" in the context of the enterprise is revealed. The dynamics of investment in software in various areas of the enterprise is analyzed. The com­po­sition of the company’s costs to ensure an effec­tive information security system of a commercial enterprise is determined. The main methods of assessing the economic efficiency of information security of the enterprise are studied and the most effective for trade enterprises are deter­mined.
Conclusions. The study proves the need to optimize the cost of information support. The peculiarities of the cost of information support, as well as the peculiarities of the separation of the result (income, profit) from the functioning of an effective information security system are re­vealed. The most effective methods of assessing the economic efficiency of information security for trade enterprises are proposed. The consi­dered questions can be deepened, having consi­dered specificity of an estimation of economic efficiency of information security taking into account features of activity of wholesale and retail enterprises.
Keywords: economic efficiency, infor­ma­tion security, cyber threats, cybersecurity, trade enterprises.


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