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Автор: Sveta on .

DOI: http://doi.org/10.31617/visnik.knute.2019(127)07

UDC 334.7:336.76

Postgraduate Student at the Department of Economics and Business Finance,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
E-mail: andrii.kroshka2018@knute.edu.ua
ORCID: https://orсid.org/0000-0002-6104-2357


Background.The content of the article was created in order to highlight the essence of financial investing, especially in stock market securities by Ukrainian nonfinancial corpora­tions. The main emphasis was made on involving domestic business-units in global processes, con­nected to activity on a stock market and moving to stock markets of developed foreign countries.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The author has analyzed the most important studies of the activities of non-financial corporations in the stock market and related areas. It was found that the theoretical base is not enough according to perspective and importance of the subject of the study.
Theaimof this article is to highlight the major global trends in the activitiesof non-financial corporations in the stock market.
Materials and methods. The main source of analytical and graphic information for the article were mainly electronic sources, including the websites of stock exchanges of deve­loped countries of the world and analytical resources with fundamental and technical analytics of financial instruments. The studies of the above-mentioned scientists were also used. The main methods of scientific research were: analysis, synthesis, comparison, statis­tical analysis, technical and fundamental analysis, factor analysis.
Results. The article shows main advantages of activity on a stock market for com­pany’s financial stability, profitability, liquidity, informational support and main activity diversification. There are set of arguments in favor of integration of Ukrainian enterprises into international financial environment. This article also provides potential cases of appli­cation of various investment ideas for the implementation of certain types of investment policies and achieving of Ukrainian company’s financial and nonfinancial goals. This article describes further directions of development of domestic company’s activity on the world securities markets, which have not yet become widespread within Ukraine but which have objective positive results in other developed countries.
Conclusion. The substantiated conclusions about the relevance and perspective of the studied issue are made, the basic investment opportunities of domestic non-financial corpo­rations, financial instruments in foreign markets and the consequences of its inclusion in the financial portfolio are described. The experience of foreign countries is summarized and the lack of this experience in the domestic business environment as opposed to foreign practices is characterized. Further perspective directions of the study are also given, in particular,the use of short-term financial transactions in the stock market and HF trading, modeling of financial portfolios depending on the tactical and strategic goals of the enterprise, etc.
Keywords: stock market, stock exchange, non-financial corporations, securities, stocks, bonds, assets, capital, investment portfolio, profitability, hedging, index, diversification.


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