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Автор: Sveta on .

DOI: http://doi.org/10.31617/visnik.knute.2018(120)05


TRUBEI Oksana,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professorof the Economics and Business Finance Department


Background. The food sector of the fast-moving consumer goods market (FMCG) is strategically important for every country because it largely determines its economic and food security as well as social protection of its citizens. This, in turn, determines the need to identify the main factors affecting the activity of the retail operators and the efficiency of the functioning of this market as a whole.
Analysis of the recent researches and publications. Issues related to the development of domestic retail trade are of particular interest, both in scientific circles and in the circles of professional retailers. However, the specific issues of retail development on the FMCG food market, in the context of the current powerful factors of influence on it, have not been studied enough.
The aim of the article is to analyse the general economic conditions and specific factors of the development of domestic retail on the FMCG food market.
Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the study is the system of general scientific and specific methods, in particular: analysis and synthesis, systematic and complex approach, monographic method, abstract-logical method as well as economic and statistical methods.
Results. The identification and analysis of the main general economic and specific for the retail on the FMCG food market factors that have a powerful influence on the efficiency of its operators’ activities were the results of the conducted research.
Conclusion. The analysis has proved the necessity of using of modern economic instruments for managing business processes, marketing sales and studying the beha­vioural characteristics of the domestic consumer in the retail trade.

Keywords: retail trade, FMCG market, food retail chains, fast-moving consumer goods, product offer, income of the population, price policy, assortment policy.


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