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Автор: Sveta on .

DOI: http://doi.org/10.31617/visnik.knute.2018(120)04


Doctor of Economics, Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Postgraduate student of the Hotel and Restaurant Business Department of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Background. Over the past three years, the cinema industry has been actively developing around the world. The market structure is also changing rapidly: cinemas that were in communal ownership, do not stand up to competition with private ones, whose number is growing. A significant part of the market is occupied by cinema networks, due to the correct strategy, the formation of its own identity and a unique offer. The specificity of marketing services adds to the model of marketing of goods one more stage – the interaction between the buyer and the seller. This implies the need to introduce a service policy for such an enterprise. The specifics of the industry, the pace of market development, as well as the stage of the life cycle of the enterprise itself, necessitate the definition of the concept of service and the standards of its evaluation for cinema demonstration enterprises.
Analysis of recent research and publications has shown that the scientific substan­tiation of service strategies and systems of communications of the enterprise in the micro and macro environment is a fundamental ground for implementation in related industries, while service in cinemas remains an underdeveloped topic. It makes the aim of the research.
The aim of the article is to identify the concept of service for cinema companies in order to successfully implement the goals of the overall marketing strategy.
Materials and methods. In the process of research, methods of synthesis, compa­rison, analysis and synthesis have been used. The results of the survey of visitors and cinema workers were the information base of the study.
Results. Based on the study of the theoretical basis for the formation of service policy, the main components of service in the marketing of cinemas are singled out. The study of communications between visitors and employees of the cinema companies made it possible to separate them into on-line and offline, to determine the peculiarities of the formation of the basic components of service standards in cinemas, and to propose an algorithm for resolving disputes in communication between a visitor and an employee of the institution. With the transition to the formation of public opinion in the World Wide Web, customer feedback is an integral part of the service strategy. As a result, it has been established that the identity of communication in both real space and on the Internet should be the same. The concept of service of cinemas is defined as a high-quality, standardized service of the cinema visitors for simulation of the atmosphere, the embodiment of corporate values and a special attitude towards the guest, which reflects in the minds of the visitor the features of the positioning of the cinema and forms his loyalty. On the example of one of the Kyiv cinemas, the consumer's commitment to the company or its product, as well as readiness to re-engage with them through the NPS (Net promoter score) index, was determined. The results revealed that feedback from clients through a book of complaints, reviews on the Internet and regular NPS surveys provide an opportunity to stimulate the return of guests and create a positive image of the company.
Conclusion. The following basic features of the need to single out service for cinemas have been studied: narrow specialization of the service; absence of a unique trade offer through the product; division into online and offline communications; the need to communicate the value of the service with additional support through the staff. The relevance of the study of the formation of a service strategy for cinemas is due to the growth of this market, as well as the priority in the introduction of a unique competitive advantage, given the specifics of the marketing complex in cinemas. According to the results of the study of the functioning of service in cinemas, the definition of service and its features in cinemas have been defined. The analysis provides a clearer understanding of such components of service as: the introduction of standards for staff communicating with the guest, the availability of a unique uniform, selection of personnel by the profile of the post, the rules of communication in social networks.
Keywords: service, cinema service strategy, cinema company, standards of service, communication in social networks, loyalty.


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