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Автор: Sveta on .

UDC 005.311.2:339.37
Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Management Department of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Background. Modern trends in the development of trade in Ukraine, caused by the consequences of the technological revolution of the twenty-first century, lead to the consolidation of companies due to increasing network interaction of enterprises in their composition, consolidating the assets of different operators, and creation of integrated distribution centers. As a result, requirements for information and communication technologies are increasing and their significance in organizing trade activity increases, which requires the development of specialized information technology infrastructure.
The aim of the article is determining the features of formation and development of the information technology infrastructure of trade and identifying global trends in informatization of retail trade networks and then developing proposals to ensure the technological level of retail chains in Ukraine in view of global challenges and prospects for attracting innovative potential when developing trade policy .
Materials and methods. Methodological basis of a scientific article are approaches to the study of economic relations, developing on the theories of reproduction; Evolutionary; Post-industrial (network) economy; public sector. In the course of the study system approach, methods of analysis, structuring and synthesis were used.
Results. Based on a systematic approach the development and introduction of new technologies in the global retail were analyzed, characteristic trends were defined and justified. The state and problems of the formation of innovational and technological infrastructure of trade enterprises in the context of global retail challenges were determined, and proposals were made on activating innovation policy in the conditions of strengthening of integrated information and communication processes.
Conclusion. Development of the strategic program of action in imposing conditions and features of the development of information technology infrastructure (ITI) will provide (taking into account global challenges) stable positive correlation between support for specific type of business process and common interests of trade business performance and priority developmentand formation of innovative system of trade enterprise in generall that will increase the potential of Ukrainian retail sector, determine conditions of the effective formation of the economic potential of the economy, will improve the technological modernization of Ukrainian enterprises in the competitive world level.
Keywords:trade sphere, trade networks, information technology infrastructure, innovation.