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Автор: Sveta on .

UDC 339.137.2:663.4
KATRAN Maryna,
Postgraduate of Economic Theory and Competition Policy Deaprtment of
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


Background. The formation and implementation of competition policy of Ukraine necessitates study of the current state of the competition in commodity markets. Research of domestic beer market in terms of concentration and monopolization makes it possible to evaluate the market and offer further regulation of general economic conditions in the market.
The aim of the article is to study competition of domestic beer market.
Materials and methods. During the research conducted on the basis of a thorough analysis of the scientific works of foreign and domestic economists to study the domestic beer market, we used the information of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the annual reports of enterprises in the field of brewing and applied a set of advanced methods of scientific knowledge, systematic approach and synthesis.
Results. During the research was established that the current beer market is shaped by structural deformations of the national economy as a result of which there was a significant reduction in consumption, production volume and reduced foreign trade of beer. The authors calculated and analyzed entities share in the domestic beer market, market concentration ratios, Herfindahl-Hirschman Index, the dispersion of market shares, the value of market shares entropy. Result of beer market research showed that the market is oligopolistic, highly saturated with uneven distribution of entities shares.
Conclusion. A research of commodity markets in the global competition is very important. The domestic beer market is one of the developed industrial markets with high export potential. The article features an analysis of the development and the competition in the domestic beer market. The study revealed the problems that are associated, with a decrease in purchasing power; macroeconomic indicators; loss of markets as a result of military conflict. Thus, the domestic beer market requires a comprehensive study to improve the structure of the market and the provision of state aid to business.
Keywords: internal market, beer market, global competition, market size, HHI, coefficient of market share.