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Автор: Sveta on .

UDC 005.93
PhD in Economics, Doctoral Student, Senior research scientist at the Department of Natural Resources Management of the Institute of Market Problems and Economic and Ecological Researches of The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Background. Analytical evaluation of enterprise development is the basis for the selection of goals, trends and resources for its further development. Technique of dynamic standards is a tool that lets analyze performance dynamics.
Analysis of recent research and publications has showed that, despite the fact that the method of dynamic regulation is fairly well-known literature on economics, its usage in the diagnosis of the enterprise development (the current level, potential, target vectors) have not been sufficiently studied, it requires further research and improvements taking into account branch features of economic activity of wineries.
The aim of the article is to develop recommendations for the practical use of dynamic methods in selecting enterprise development goals, its adaptation to the industry specifics of wineries in Ukraine.
Materials and methods. The paper used a wide range of general and special methods, including abstract logical method, system and process approaches, situational analysis, methods of taxonomic analysis and nonparametric statistics, matrix method and others.
Results. Scientific hypotheses have been suggested that the balance of the enterprise development is possible only if the development goals are well balanced, according to the selected business processes and made their empirical verification. A set of proposals has been developed based on the results of this study. It has been proposed to assess the quantitative component of wineries on the basis of focus and adaptability. It has been proposed to use mathematical tools of analysis of linear and nonlinear dynamic standards in regulatory streamlining of indicators of enterprise activity by the selected business process for the assesmant of wineries. The paper offers an algorithm of implementation of dynamic regulation techniques in the diagnosis of business development. It’s suggested to use the calculated integrated coefficients of the balance of wineries by the selected business process to identify development goals.
Conclusion. Unlike the existing publications, the authors developed for the first time tools to identify the goals of the wineries on the analysis of reports based on the formation of reference dynamics of the indicators.  It can significantly clarify information on the results of the enterprise by the selected business processes, and therefore contributes to greater efficiency of management decisions.
These conceptual provisions require further research in the part of formation of methodical approach to dynamic modeling of sustainable development of wineries.
Keywords: methods of dynamic standards, taxonomic indicator of development, business processes, enterprise development goals.