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UDC 165.24
DZEBAN Oleksandr, 
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor at the Philosophy Department
Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
MANULOV Evgeniy, 
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor at the Philosophy Department
Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
Background. A problem of safety is topical in any historical period. The comprehension of dangers accompanying life of man compelled and compels people to think about the possible variants of rescue – saving body, soul, continuation of own life and existence of humanity.
Analysis of the last researches and publications testifies that a large number of works is dedicated to the problems of safety beginning from ancient philosophy to modern scientific developments. The special degree of development the problem of safety obtained due to its directly practical character within the limits of political science. However  the problem of safety is used so widely, that often enough it is impossible to distinguish essence and limits of application of basic component concepts and categories.
The aim of the article is to specify essence and content of the philosophical understanding of problem of safety on the basis of retrospective analysis of heritage of the most characteristic representatives of philosophical idea in this direction.
Materials and methods. The article generalized and used the results of scientific researches from philosophy, political science, sociology, social psychology, culturology, religious studies, dialectical approach is preferred with taking into account independent value and complementarity of other scientific and special methods and approaches of scientific cognition.
Results. It is shown that problem of providing safety of personality, society and state has been of interest to thinkers  since the old epochs. It is emphasized that syncretism was common for the philosophical culture of the ancient world, for philosophical opinion of those times did not have distribution between the spheres of spiritual activity of man. In ancient times, when a man began to master an environment, basis of life was a fight against the outer world, it was necessary to win to survive. Analyzing a stay in the conditions of threatening reality, a man with realization of necessity of own defense began to understand dangers that mainly went out from natural surroundings.
Eschatology myths played special role in explanation of dangerous reality. Further intensive mastering by the man of environment, development of agriculture set a task not simply to survive in the dangerous world of nature, but get to know and master it in order to achieve the most comfort living conditions. Myth as the special form of world view on the early stage of human history was syncretism reflection of safety and open essence, origin and character of threats of external things. Bright presentations of the phenomena of nature and collective life helped a man emotionally to estimate a situation, do the certain codes of behavior that allowed to attain safety and internal concordance of life. Setting harmony between a man and surrounding world, between society and nature, mythology became the original mechanism of providing of safety.
Conclusion. The characteristic ideas about safety, conditioned by the world view were formed at the early stage of development. Mythological, pagan and religious beliefs concentrated knowledge about safety and successfully executed the functions of defense, regulating life of society, provided safety and stability of the personal and social existence. In old times people felt safe only in unity with nature, as lived by nature and developed the subjective mind in harmony with objective reality.
Keywords: safety, dangers, myth, world view, early religions.